We’re Shaped By Our Environments

You need to pick your friends well.  Grandmothers used to tell us, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”

Because we can’t help it.  Were shaped by our environments.

Even our physical environment.

Why do Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans have narrow eyes?  The theory is that their ancestors lived in Central Asia—that’s Mongolia to Siberia, they experienced two extreme environmentals: During summer, it was very dusty and windy.  And during winter, the glare of sun on the snow was blinding.  To protect their eyes from these two extreme environments, through the years, their facial features began to adapt.

Why do Africans have darker skin?  The theory is that 1.2 million years ago, when people started migrating to Africa, their body had to adapt to protect their skin from the heat of the sun, adding more pigmentation—making their skin darker.

In the same way that the physical environment shapes our body, our social environment shapes our soul—our mind, our habits, our values, and our character.

That’s why the Bible says, Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.  (Proverbs 13:20 MSG)

Change your friends and you change your life.

Here are my “4 H Questions” for you…

            1. Do you want to be happy?  Hang out with happy people.

            2. Do you want to be healthy?  Hang out with healthy people.

            3. Do you want to be holy?  Hang out with holy people.

4. Do you want to be more handsome?  Hang out with me. 

(Side-effect: You’ll also become hallucinatory.)

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

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