Are You Waiting For Your Miracle? Don’t Stop

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Life is like chess.  You can only move half the time.  The other half, you have to wait for the other person to make his move.

Half the time, God is waiting for you to move.  But half the time, you wait for God to make His move.  And that’s very difficult if you’re impatient.

Perhaps you’re single, and you’re waiting to meet God’s Best.  It’s frustrating.  When is he going to walk into your life?

Perhaps you’re praying for a job, or applying for a working visa, or working on your business, or you’re waiting for your first baby, and so far, no matter what you do, your prayer hasn’t been answered.  Yet.  And you’re waiting for the first day.  And the second day.  And the third day…

Don’t stop waiting.

Respond in the Right Way

You can summarize the operating system of the world as follows:

If you’re in control, work.

If you’re not in control, wait.

Let me say this:  Work passionately, wait patiently.

I know.  It’s easier said than done.  Nice in theory.  But difficult to apply.  Because a lot of people confuse these two worlds.  Yes, we do the very opposite: We wait when we’re in control and work when we’re not in control.  For both, it’s disastrous.

What should you do? 

Work passionately, wait patiently.

Work Passionately!

I’ve met people who wait and wait and wait even if they can do something about their situation.

For example, I’ve met students who complain to God, “Lord, why did you make me fail in my exams?” even if for many weeks before the exam, all they did was play Pokemon Go.

I’ve met people who complain to God, “Lord, why do I lack money?” even if they don’t save, don’t invest, and don’t develop themselves.

One of the major weaknesses of religious people?  They lack the hustle.  They don’t work with passion.

I’m not only a spiritual preacher, I’m also a financial teacher.  So I’m one of the few preachers who will encourage you to work like crazy.  You need to keep learning, attending seminars, reading books, and finding mentors.  And you need to keep making better mistakes every day.  Fail quickly.  And start again.


Wait Patiently

At the same time, after doing all you can, stop.

I’ve met some people who work and work and work even if they’ve entered into an area where they’re no longer in control.  These are perpetual worriers. 

Here’s my definition of Worry: Worry is controlling what you can never control.  Like what?  Your kids.  Your spouse.  Your relatives.  Your friends.  Stop trying to control them.  Inspire them, yes.  Instruct them, yes.  Influence them, yes.  But after doing all that, let go and let God.

If you don’t, worry will kill you.  You’ll end up with a lot of stress, hypertension, ulcers, and heart disease.

Remember, the Babel People were impatient, so they fell. The Pentecost people waited for nine days, they received the Holy Spirit, and from there, stood firm and walked on to spread the Gospel of Jesus.

Work passionately, but at a certain point, wait patiently.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

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